If you have an old hot tub sitting in your backyard and you have been wanting to get rid of it for some time but you don’t know how you are going to get the hot tub out of your yard. When you purchased the hot tub and had it placed in the yard you probably never thought you would want it gone or maybe you purchased a house that had an existing hot tub and it hasn’t been taken care of for years and now it looks the part. No matter your reason for the hot tub removal, it could just be an old hot tub, the easiest and best way to have the hot tub removed is to call a local junk removal company.
The Pick Up Artist Junk Removal in Las Vegas has removed all types of hot tubs. From the round small hot tub to the ridiculously large swim spa. Our junk removal team has the tools, the experience and the most competitive prices in the area. Our junk removal team will arrive to your home on time, and ready to go to work. We come in and remove the power source, capping the electrical off at the nearest junction box making it safe for you and your family then we cut the hot tub into 5-6 big pieces and carry each piece out of the yard. We won’t be done there, we then sweep and clean up the area. In about an hour you will never know that a hot tub once graced the backyard.
If you need a hot tub removed give our junk removal team a call. We are here to answer all of your questions and make the process as easy as possible for you. Our estimates are free of charge and can be done on the phone. Some differences from one hot tub removal to the next are is there a gazebo to come down, a deck to be removed, is the hot tub extremely large or buried in the ground. No matter our junk removal team has seen and removed them all. Call for a free hot tub removal estimate anytime!